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Missouri Teach Ag

Donate to the Missouri Teach Ag Fund

So you want to be an ag teacher.

Congrats! You've chosen an awesome future career. To get there, though, you'll need a few things first. No worries — we've got you covered.

Agriculture educator works with student on SAE visit

Teach Ag Academy

Each summer, Mizzou hosts a two–and–a–half day academy to give high school students a glimpse into the life of an agricultural educator. Find out more about this summer's event at the Teach Ag Academy website and fill out the application to become a member of this year's academy!

4–year degrees

Several universities in Missouri have degree programs in Agricultural Education, which is the bachelor's degree you need to become an ag teacher. The degree also includes a teaching certificate, which will allow you to teach agriculture in any Missouri high school.

Student teaching

Every 4–year education degree includes one semester of student teaching. During that time, you'll be paired with an experienced ag teacher who will show you the ropes of managing real classrooms full of excited ag students and help you with the elements of teaching that are hard to replicate in a college classroom.

If you're a current college agricultural education major getting ready for your student teaching semester, you are eligible for a Missouri Teach Ag scholarship to help with expenses during your experience.

Missouri Teach Ag Ambassadors

One agriculture education major from each of Missouri's universities that offer degrees in ag education has been chosen as a Teach Ag Ambassador. Ambassadors are chosen by their universities to promote ag education to high school students through Teach Ag workshops at Missouri FFA Convention and at the Teach Ag booth, presenting at State FFA Camp, and participating in other local and regional events to promote agricultural education and recruit new ag ed students from area high schools and junior colleges.

Want to become an ambassador on your campus? Contact your ag education department to learn how your university chooses its ambassadors! Your agricultural education professor will have information on how to apply. Two ambassadors are chosen from each university in February. Their term of service begins at Missouri FFA Convention in April.

Missouri's Teach Ag Campaign made possible by:

Missouri Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association

Missouri FFA Foundation

Missouri Retired
Ag Teachers Association

MFA Foundation

and National Teach Ag Campaign sponsor


a project of

The Council National Association of Agricultural Educators National FFA Foundation